More about the Westholme Giant
The Second Largest Douglas Fir Recalls Westholme Giant post has been drawing informed comment this week and I just found this great photo in my files. It was taken in Stanley Park, in the ’20s, judging by the vehicle.
Today, this tree would never get to grow to any appreciable size; it’d be logged when hardly bigger than a fencepost judging by the truckloads that I see here, almost daily, in the Cowichan Valley . Sad.
See also…
‘Second Largest’ Douglas fir recalls Westholme Giant
Westholme tree update
Wow, what a great photograph. I find that the more you look at it, the more the sheer size of the tree comes into focus. This is a great story you’ve shared here, an important piece for anyone who cares about this topic to see and read.
Now you know why they used to call them ‘B.C. toothpicks’! –TW