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The Second World War is Still With Us

The Second World War is Still With Us

Officially, the Second World War ended with Japan’s surrender, 80 years ago. In at least one sense, however, the war goes on.

Although no hostile action was fought on Canadian, let alone British Columbia soil, we too have a history of live ordnance turning up in the unlikeliest of places; at least thrice, it has killed.

Bomb disposal expert Sergeant Rupert Frere checks the fuse on an unexploded 1000-pound bomb at a building site. —

As surprising as it may seem, as recently as in 2012 the Victoria Times Colonist felt compelled to editorialize on the need to “recover leftover bombs”.

The story of B.C.’s deadly war against live armaments and munitions from past wars in next week’s Chronicles.

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  1. Hi Tom:
    I have been missing your columns in the Citizen of late and have not passed you walking along Koksilah Road when driving in to Duncan from Fairbridge.
    We were stuck on our plantation in Thailand for an extra 5 months thanks to the pandemic and didn’t get back here until July 12th.
    At any rate I was wondering if you may be writing anything up around Remembrance Day this year and if you wanted any information we have in the Fairbridge Chapel including plaques etc. We are going to be working over at the chapel most of this week after Tuesday as we have to clean the exterior of the clock tower. Give me an email or call (250 746-7519) or just pop by. I live in the old office building at 4718 Fairbridge Drive.

    • Hi, Ron:
      Thought of you recently when filing some of my columns including the ones I did for last Remembrance Day. (I get waaaay behind sometimes).
      Thanks to COVID the Chronicles were dropped from the Citizen after 23 years because of tanking advertising revenues.
      So I’ve reinvented my column as; it’s much more of en e-zine than a blog with posts as long as 5000 words instead of the 1000 as in the paper. I publish weekly, on Thursday, just as the paper did when it dropped to a single issue a week.
      Bottom Line: There will be my usual Remembrance Day special edition, but online, in November.
      Because my website offers me almost unlimited scope I offer much more in the way of photos, graphics etc. than I could before, so I would be interested in doing something with the Fairbridge Chapel plaques, etc.
      As you can see, email works best for me.
      Please remind me in a few weeks of this conversation. I’m working 16-hour days and weekends so I’m going to put the onus on you to follow up.
      In the meantime enjoy our beautiful weather. Cheers, TW

  2. Love your articles.

    • Thanks, Rick. My subscription website,, sucks up most of my time and energy these days so I have difficulty in writing posts for, my free site. Hope you keep on reading, though. I will continue to add posts as I can. –TW

    • So do I (he said modestly). Thanks, Rick, please keep reading. You can also try my subscription site, for bigger and better posts. –TW

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